Write the Bullet

Essays on every element of writing fiction.

Write the Bullet
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Hello there! I'm glad you made it!

Write the Bullet is the home for all of my essays about the complicated internal and external worlds of writing fiction.

Fiction is a disciplined craft that is both private and public. In the words of Jack Nicholson in The Departed, "That's what they call a paradox." A writer labors alone to create a working piece of fiction, writing draft after draft until it resembles something like a complete story, then they send it out into the world for people to enjoy (or hate, depending on the reader). A story that was once deeply personal and private is given to complete strangers.

It's a scary process and it's no surprise that most writers tremble at the prospect of baring their soul to people who, generally, don't care that they exist nor care about what they have to say.

Write the Bullet is my attempt to not only alleviate my own fears, but also to help alleviate yours. Artists of all disciplines are nothing without their cohort. Consider me a member of yours.

These essays will cover topics such as: technique, style, tone, process, character development, plot development, and so much more. We will talk about form and function, dialogue and exposition, and showing and telling (spoiler alert: showing vs telling sucks as a topic since it is so divisive and complicated, but we'll talk more in-depth about this later).

We will discuss the pros and cons of Traditional and Independent Publishing, How to Query an Agent, and How to Get Your Manuscript Ready for Publication.

However, I don't want this blog to be a single scream into the void. I want us ALL to scream into the void--together--while we talk about fiction. And I'm not just talking about prose fiction, either. Movies, TV shows, miniseries, video games, board games, etc. are also on the table. There's not a single piece of entertainment today that doesn't have some element of writing in it, fiction or otherwise. And I consume loads of entertainment.

Please comment on any particular essay if you have anything to add, any points you disagree with, or if you simply want to say hello. Saying hello to someone who doesn't know you're there, while frightening in the right context, is perfectly fine and acceptable here.

We live in an exciting time for creatives. Anything is possible on the internet. Let's not waste precious time thinking about creating. Let's spend our time creating.

The world needs art now more than ever. More importantly, it needs your art. Use your voice. Show your soul. Be vulnerable. There's where true beauty lies: in you.

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Jamie Larson